Andhra Pradesh state government had recently announced its first ever satellite township near Sabbavaram mandal in Visakhapatnam district. This satellite township circulates in between five villages with an area of 900 acres.
What is satellite township or satellite city ?
The answer is right in the name “satellite”. Like the artificial satellites present near to the earth and rotate around earth, the satellite towns are also present around the major metropolitan city. A satellite township or city is generally attached to outer parts of major metropolitan city. These mini cities are constructed to improve the quality of peaceful living and to obtain balance between resources and population.
For example, Gurgaon, Greater Noida, Noida, Faridabad, and Ghazibad are the satellite cities surrounding Delhi metropolitan city. These are located around Delhi, but function as a different entity.
Where is the Satellite City of Visakhapatnam ?
The major villages underlying in the satellite township are: Nangirapadu, Gangavaram in Sabbavaram mandal, Pedamushidavada, Aganampudi, and East Marripalem.
What exactly can be expected in a satellite city?
· A satellite city will have its own source of income.
· It has its own companies, schools, colleges and industries.
· It has continuous transportation to the main city.
· It has a good modern life style.
· A satellite city also possess own functioning government.
· People from surrounding districts, migrants, students from other areas, job holders, business men, and start up companies occupy the area.
· Creation of new employment is the primary thing to look forward in a satellite city.
Why to construct Satellite Township?
In the rapid urbanization and sprawling in suburban regions, there is a definite need to provide peaceful and comfortable residential place to people. The satellite city also provides a break from the busy and hectic metropolitan life and aids in peaceful living. The idea worked well in cities like London, Newyork, Philadelphia, Delhi, etc where people travel to major cities for work and return back. A satellite city should be able to carry people to and fro the major metropolitan city and also should have their own people.
Mumbai has been the city with numerous satellite cities like Navi Mumbai, Thane, Sonapet, Badlapur, Panvel, etc. Pimpiri Chichwad and Hitech City near Pune and Hyderabad cities were rated the best Satellite cities in India. The value for the land around these satellite cities didn’t climb at a time when announced, but raised once they started building. So, it is the best time to invest in a nearby property because the value will hit the peak soon.
The planning for the construction of this city near Vizag was completed and is currently at land pooling stage. The sports complex along with an international cricket stadium was also included in this project. Being the first of its kind in the state, the township and sports complex had brought the eye of local investors to invest on land and start businesses around Sabbavaram area which is going to be the educational hub too.
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